
Blueberry Fizz

Blueberry Fizz

Our Blueberry Fizz combines our award winning Blueberry Gin Liqueur and the delicious fizz of your favourite prosecco

Blueberry Fizz
A Blueberry Fizz is the perfect Christmas Day cocktail, combining the festive sparkle of Prosecco with the rich, fruity depth of blueberry gin liqueur. 
The sweet, tart notes of blueberry gin liqueur evoke the rich berry flavors often associated with winter and Christmas feasts.
Blueberries add a pop of fruitiness that complements seasonal flavors like cranberries or spiced oranges.
A Blueberry Fizz isn’t just a drink—it’s a moment of festive indulgence that captures the magic of Christmas Day in every sip.


Into your flute add 25ml Penrhos Blueberry Gin Liqueur, top up with your chilled favourite fizz. No need to garnish, just enjoy!

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