We’ve pulled together our favourite cocktails made with rum or gin for you to try at home. These are our tried and tested easy cocktails for all occasions…


Classic Penrhos G&T

London Dry perfect serve

  • 50ml Penrhos Dry
  • Indian Tonic Water
  • Blueberries

Using your favourite glass full of ice pour 50cl of Penrhos Dry and let it run over the ice, top up with Indian Tonic. Garnish with blueberries. Top tip, if they are frozen they will turn your gin pink!

Penrhos Tom Collins

tom collins

  • 50ml Penrhos Dry
  • 25ml Lemon Juice
  • 25ml Sugar Syrup
  • Soda Water
  • Lemon and Mint

And plenty of ice to your glass, add the gin, lemon juice and sugar syrup. Stir to combine, top up with soda and garnish with a slice of lemon and a sprig of mint. This is the ultimate easy but refreshing cocktail. 

Penrhos negroni

  • 25ml Penrhos Dry
  • 25ml Sweet Red Vermouth
  • 25ml Campari

The classic Negroni is the perfect aperitif cocktail. Overall, it’s an aromatic bitter cocktail with sweet and fruity notes. Add a twist of orange for a sophisticated garnish and serve. See our full recipe here…

Dry gin with pink tonic

G&T with aromatic tonic

  • 50ml Penrhos Dry
  • Aromatic Tonic
  • Raspberries

Fill your chosen glass with plenty of ice and pour your Dry Gin over the ice, top up with Aromatic tonic and garnish with fresh or frozen raspberries for a refreshing gin and tonic.

Gin & Tonic with cucumber

London Dry perfect serve

  • 50ml Penrhos Dry
  • Cucumber tonic 
  • Cucumber 

Using your favourite glass full of ice pour 50cl of Penrhos Dry and let it run over the ice, top up with Cucumber Tonic. Peel your cucumber and use to garnish. This is best enjoyed in the sun!

Gin Espresso Martini

Dry gin mojito

  • 50ml Penrhos London Dry
  • 50ml Fresh Coffee
  •  25ml KAHLÚA
  • 25ml Sugar Syrup 

Add all ingredients into a cocktail shaker with plenty of ice, shake with ice to combine. Serve and add chocolate powder.

tea club cocktail

the tea club

  • 50ml Penrhos Handcrafted Dry Gin
  • 50ml Brew Tea Co English Breakfast Tea
  • 25ml Lemon Juice
  • 25ml Sugar Syrup
  • ½ Egg Yolk

Make tea and leave to cool. Once cooled add all of your ingredients into your shaker and shake well to combine. Shake again with ice to cool. Strain into your coup and enjoy!

Penrhos Gin and Tonic

G&T with grapefuit

  • 50ml Penrhos London Dry
  • Mediterranean Tonic
  • Grapefruit & Rosemary

Using your favourite glass full of ice pour 50cl of Penrhos Dry and let it run over the ice, top up with Mediterranean Tonic. Garnish with a big slice of grapefruit and a sprig of rosemary for a very refreshing G&T.

Penrhos Gin and Tonic

London Dry G&T with blueberries & Mint

  • 50ml London Dry
  • Elderflower tonic
  • Blueberries & mint

Into a balloon glass add plenty of ice, your gin and tonic. Garnish with blueberries and mint (make sure you smack your mint to release the flavour!)

Gin Caiprinha

Dry Gin caiprinha

  • 50ml Penrhos London Dry
  • Half a lime
  • 2 tablespoons of honey

To your cocktail shaker combine the lime and honey and muddle together to release the juice (you can use a rolling pin if you don’t have a muddler). Add ice and gin, and vigorously shake, pour it back into your glass, over ice. Do not strain as your limes will be perfect in the drink and you won’t need any additional garnish.

Rhubarb Gin Cocktails

Rhubarb gin and tonic

classic penrhos rhubarb g&T

  • 50ml Penrhos Rhubarb Gin
  • Top up with Indian Tonic
  • Garnish with a slice of orange

Using your favourite glass full of ice pour 50ml of Penrhos Rhubarb and let it run over the ice, top up with Clementine Tonic. Garnish with a slice of orange and this will be the best G&T you have ever had!

Brunch Martini

Penrhos BRunch Martini

  • 50ml Penrhos Rhubarb
  • 25ml Triple Sec
  • 25ml Lemon juice
  • 1 heaped teaspoon of marmalade

Pour all ingredients into a shaker and stir to dissolve the marmalade. Shake well with ice and strain into a martini glass, garnish with a orange twist. The perfect drinks for Brunch!

Rhubarb Gin Martini

penrhos rhubarb martini

  • 50ml Penrhos Rhubarb Gin
  • 10ml Dry Vermouth

Simply add the gin and vermouth into a shaker with ice, shake and strain into a Martini glass (keep in the fridge before) and garnish with a rose petal if you are feeling romantic! 

Rhubarb Bramble

rhubarb bramble

  • 50ml Penrhos Rhubarb
  • 25ml sugar syrup
  • 25ml lemon juice
  • 25ml Blueberry Liqueur 

Add all ingredients into your glass and stir together. Add your ice and give it another gentle stir. Slowly pour the blueberry liqueur over the ice and garnish with mint.

Rhubarb Gin and Ginger Ale

Penrhos Rhubarb Gin and Ginger Ale

  • 50ml Penrhos Rhubarb Gin
  • Top up with Ginger Ale
  • Garnish with a slice of Orange

Using your favourite glass full of ice pour 50ml of Penrhos Rhubarb and let it run over the ice, top up with ton. Garnish with a slice of orange.

Gin and Apple Juice

Rhubarb Gin & apple juice

  • 50ml Penrhos Rhubarb
  • 150ml of fresh apple & ginger juice

This cocktail is inspired by Australia! Making it perfect for a sunny day. Combine all ingredients into a highball glass with plenty of ice and gently stir together. Garnish with slices of apple.

Two Rhubarb Negronis with a twist of Orange

Rhubarb Negroni

  • 25ml Penrhos Rhubarb Gin
  • 25ml Sweet Red Vermouth
  • 25ml Campari
  • 15ml Orange Juice (fresh is best)

A sweeter twist on a classic Negroni. Give this a try if the Italian classic is too smokey and bitter for your taste. The rhubarb brings a depth of fruitiness that easily quaffable. See the full recipe and other Negroni alternatives here.

2 Chilli Bee's Knees with a chilli garnish in the sun

Chilli Bee’s Knees

  • 50ml Penrhos Rhubarb Gin
  • 50ml Orange juice (fresh is best) freeze any leftovers for future garnishes
  • 25ml Hot Honey Syrup (50:50 Mix of spicy honey and hot water)

Add all ingredients into your shaker, shake with ice and strain into your cocktail glass. Garnish with a small chilli or chilli flakes.

To make hot honey. If you can’t find hot honey, chop up one chilli and infuse with the honey syrup. Leave to cool before creating the cocktail.


Bee's knees cocktail

Apple & Elderflower Bee's Knees

  • 50ml Penrhos Apple and Elderflower
  • 25ml Lemon Juice
  • 20ml Honey Syrup (50:50 mix of honey & hot water, dissolve and let cool to add to cocktails)

Combine all ingredients into a cocktail shaker, shake well and strain into a cocktail glass for a refreshing tasty drink.

Apple & Elderflower G&T

Apple & Elderflower G&T

  • 50ml Penrhos London Dry
  • Indian Tonic 
  •  Slices of apple

Fill your chosen glass with plenty of ice and pour your Apple & Elderflower gin over the ice, top up with tonic and garnish with fresh slices of apple 

French 75

Penrhos French 75

  • 50ml Apple and Elderflower
  • 25ml Lemon Juice
  • 20ml Honey Syrup (50:50 mix of honey & hot water, dissolve and let cool to add to cocktails)
  • Prosecco/champagne

Into your shaker add gin, lemon juice and honey. Shake with ice for 30 seconds, strain into your flut and top up with your chosen bubbles. The best drink for any celebrations.


The perfect picnic drink

  • 50ml Apple and Elderflower gin
  • Indian tonic
  • Rosemary and Lime

Over plenty of ice add 50ml Apple and Elderflower, top up with tonic and garnish with rosemary and slices of lime.

Autumn Collins

Autumn Collins

  • 50ml Apple and Elderflower
  • 25ml Lemon Juice
  • 100ml Cloudy Apple Juice (or cider)
  • Top up with Soda
  • Garnish with Apple & Mint

Into your highball add all ingredients and gently stir with ice. Top up with soda and garnish with thin slices of apple and a spring of mint. If you would like it sweeter a splash of sugar syrup adds a sweetness! 

English Garden

Royal English Garden

  • 50ml Apple and Elderflower
  • 25ml Lemon Juice
  • 100ml Cloudy Apple Juice 
  • Sparkling Elderflower Presse 
  • Cucumber, Strawberries and Mint

This is per serving. Muddle cucumber and mint together, add the rest of your ingredients into a jug and stir with ice. Top up with sparkling Elderflower Presse and garnish with strawberries and cucumber. This is the perfect summer drink to share with friends and celebrate the Kings Coronation. 

Penrhos Honey Spiced Rum

Dark n stormy

Penrhos Dark n' stormy

  • Ingredients 

    • 50ml Penrhos Honey Spiced Rum
    • Ginger ale 
    • 2 dashes of Angostura Biters
    • Limes

Into a glass full of ice add 50ml rum, squeeze of lime and top up with ginger ale. Add more ice and 2 dashes of Angostura Biters. An easy but tasty cocktail, perfect for any weather.

Strawberry mojito

Strawberry mojito

  • Ingredients 

    • 50ml Penrhos Honey Spiced Rum
    • 4 strawberries 
    • 25ml Honey Syrup (50:50 mix of honey & hot water, dissolve and let cool to add to cocktails)
    • 25ml Lime juice
    • Soda water & crushed ice 

Into your glass add 50ml rum, squeeze in half a lime and a handful of mint and 4 sliced strawberries, add your mint and gently muddle together. Top up with soda, lots of crushed ice and ejoy!

Rum and Apple

Rum and APPLE

  • 50ml Penrhos Honey Spiced Rum
  • 50ml Henry Westons Vintage Cider
  • Squeeze of lemon
  • Ginger beer
  • Apples and cinnamon stick to garnish.

Over ice add rum, cider and lemon juice, gently mix together and top up with ginger beer. Garnish with thin slices of apple and a cinnamon stick. This drink is perfect for warming you up on a cold day or refreshing in sunny weather.

Rum and Lemonade

Penrhos Honey Rum and Lemonade

  • 50ml Penrhos Honey Spiced Rum 
  • 1tsp honey
  • Squeeze of lemon juice
  • Cloudy lemonade 
  • Lemon and mint to garnish.

Into your glass add rum, honey and lemon juice. Mix together to combine, add ice and cloudy lemonade. Garnish with a slice of lemon and a sprig of mint. This really is summer in a glass!

Rum and coke

Rum & Coke

  • 50ml Penrhos Honey Spiced Rum
  • Coke
  • Limes

Over ice add Rum and top up with coke. Garnish with slices of lime.

Long island iced tea

Long Island iced tea

  • 25ml Penrhos Honey Spiced Rum
  • 25ml Penrhos Dry Gin
  • 25ml Vodka
  • 25ml triple sec
  • 2 tsp honey
  • 50ml lemon juice
  • Coke

Combine all ingredients into a tall glass, stir together and add ice. Top up with coke and garnish with fresh fruit. (We like to make it in a jug to share, this reciepe is per person) 

Penrhos Honey Spiced Rum Perfect Serve

Penrhos Honey Rum perfect serve

  • 50ml Penrhos Honey Spiced Rum
  • Squeeze of lime
  • Ginger ale 

In a tall glass add plenty of ice, 50ml rum, squeeze of lime and ginger ale. Garnish with lime and enjoy! 

Penrhos Honey Rum

Neat over ice

  • 50ml London Dry
  • Crushed ice

To really experience the rum, honey and spices try it neat over crushed ice.

Hot Rum Cocktail

Warm winter espresso cocktail

  • 100ml Penrhos Honey Spiced Rum
  • 180ml Espresso
  • 180ml Milk
  • 2 Table Spoons cocoa

Add all ingredients into a pan and gently warm through. Pour into mugs and top with grated chocolate. This recipe serve two and is the perfect winter warmer.

Rum martini


  • 60ml Penrhos Honey Spiced Rum
  • 180ml Milk
  • White chocolate

Into a pan melt white chocolate and gently simmer with milk. Leave to cool. Add to a shaker with Rum and shake well with ice. Pour into a martini glass and enjoy!

Rum Hot Chocolate

Rum hot chocolate

  • 30ml Penrhos Honey Spiced Rum
  • 200ml Milk
  • 40g White Chocolate
  • Nutmeg

Add the milk into a pan and gently warm through, take off the heat and stir in the while chocolate and grated nutmeg. Once the chocolate had melted add to a mug with the rum and top with grated nutmeg. Serves 1

Penrhos Honey Spiced Rum Strawberry Daquiri

Strawberry Daquiri

  • 50ml Penrhos Honey Spiced Rum
  • 25ml lime juice
  • Handful of frozen/fresh strawberries
  • 25ml honey
  • Ice

Add all of your ingredients into a blender and blend for about 30 seconds or until smooth. Pour into a martini glass and garnish with strawberries and mint.

Blueberry Liqueur Cocktails

Blueberry Negroni


  • 25ml Blueberry Liqueur 
  • 25ml Campari 
  • 25ml Sweet Vermouth

Add all your ingredients into a glass with ice, stir together and garnish with blueberries. A very simple and sophisticated drink.

Blueberry Fizz

Blueberry Gin Fizz

  • Blueberry Liqueur
  • Prosecco/Champagne

Using a coupe, add prosecco/champagne and to make it extra special top it up with our Blueberry Liqueur.

Blueberry gin Spritz

Blueberry Spritz

  • 60 Blueberry Liqueur 
  • 25ml Lime Juice
  • Soda
  • Blueberries

Add ingredients into your glass full of ice, top up with soda and garnish with blueberries.

Neat BL

Blueberry liqueur

  • Blueberry Liqueur

Sometimes the simple things are the best. Try on it own in your chosen glass, pairs perfectly with a cheese board as an end of dinner drink


Blueberry martini

  • 60ml Penrhos Dry Gin
  • 25 Blueberry Liqueur 
  • 25ml lemon juice
  • 25ml honey syrup 
  • Handful of blueberries and mint

Into your shaker add blueberries and mint, muddle together and add the rest of the ingredients. Add a handful of ice and shake to combine. Strain into a martini glass and enjoy! 


Christmas Mulled gin

  • 60 Blueberry Liqueur 
  • Juice of 1 clementine 
  • 1 tsp runny honey
  • 1 cinnamon stick, 4 cloves
  • Orange slices


Pour the Blueberry Liqueur and clementine juice into a heatproof mug. Stir in the honey to dissolve it. Pop in the cinnamon stick. Stick the cloves into the orange slices and pop in the mug. Top up with just boiled water, stirring a few times with the cinnamon stick to mix.

Rhubarb and Apple Liqueur Cocktails

Rhubarb and Apple Gin Liqueur

Neat Rhubarb and Apple

  • 60ml Rhubarb and Apple 

Into a glass of ice and your Rhubarb and Apple Gin Liqueur. The fruity drink is perfect on it’s own.

Rhubarb and Apple Spritz

Rhubarb and Apple Spritz

  • 60ml Rhubarb and Apple Gin Liqueur 
  • Prosecco
  • Soda

Add ingredients into your glass full of ice, top up with soda and garnish with a sprig of mint

Wonky raspberry Gin

Wonky raspberry Gin and Tonic


  • 60ml Penrhos Wonky Raspberry  Gin
  • Indian Tonic
  • Raspberries & Mint

The classic pink G&T is a firm favourite but let us tempt you with this delicious combination. Swap out a pink gin for our raspberry gin, the colour is the same but the tasting notes are altogether more exciting. Check out our full Pink G&T recipe here…


Raspberry GIN Fizz

  • 50ml Penrhos Raspberry Gin
  • 100ml Prosecco
  • 10ml simple syrup
  • Raspberries & Mint

This deliciously colourful and bubbly cocktail is a summer favourite. A celebratory cocktail using our Herefordshire gin and homegrown raspberries as well as prosecco. See the full recipe here…

Raspberry Lemoncello Spritz

raspberry limoncello spritz

  • 50ml Penrhos Wonky Raspberry
  • 25ml Limoncello
  • 15ml Sugar syrup
  • Soda Water
  • 25ml Lemon
  • Mint

Into your glass of ice add all of your ingredients, stir to combine and top up with soda water. Garnish with a sprig of mint. 

Wonky Raspberry G&T

Pink G&T

  • 50ml Penrhos Wonky Raspberry Gin
  • Aromatic Tonic
  • Raspberries

Fill your chosen glass with plenty of ice and pour your Raspberry Gin over the ice, top up with Aromatic tonic and garnish with raspberries. (frozen ones will make it even pinker)

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