
How to make a Sweet Delight Cocktail

How to make a Sweet Delight Cocktail

How to make The Street Delight

Sweet delight cocktail

This is the perfect cocktail to show a loved one what they mean to you this Valentines. 

You will need,


  • 25ml Penrhos Dry Gin

  • 25ml British Framboise

  • 5ml Lemon Juice

  • 1 Egg white 


All of your ingredients into a cocktail shaker and dry shake without ice for around 30 seconds. Add your ice and skake again for 30 seconds, strain into a cocktail glass and enjoy!

Be in with the chance to win a bottle of our Dry and White Heron’s British Framboise which is made a few fields away by our lovely neighbour.


British Framboise The essence of our raspberries, grown in the fields of Herefordshire, is perfectly captured in this fruit liqueur. The vibrant colour is matched by irresistible summer flavours, light and zesty yet crammed with fruity notes. A wonderful addition to fizz and champagne and an exciting new dimension to cocktails.

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